Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sierra Nevada Goodness

I went to the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company with lots of good souls. We went on a tour, something I've never done before even living here my entire life! We got to taste the barley syrup before it fermented with the hops. And on that note, we got to go in the chilly room that held all the hops. We got to touch the hops, smell all the different types...even tasted some that was taken hostage by Mel! It was so much fun, I'd love to go again. It'd be great to take Britton, I know he'd have a field day seeing the entire process, and getting to take shots of it all. He would've been a kid in the candy store. :) Only, a young man in a brewery. :) I highly recommend the tour.

It was so great to hear how sustainable and green they were working to become as a company. They produce around 70% of their own power! They recycle everything, and compost even more into their garden. It's such an inspiration.  I hope other companies in Chico, and around the world, see what a difference it can really make in preserving our beautiful, Mother Earth. <3

And of course, AFTER the tour, we all went into the restaurant and feasted on delicious food! Burgers, Bacon-wrapped Meatloaf, Fish & Chips, and Pizza. Don't forget the two chocolate malts (made with their own hops) and a New York Style Cheesecake that was to DIE for. We took our full bellies and walked home in the chilly air. But thanks to our beers, and my desire to speed walk a majority of the way home (I'm sure that was a hilarious sight for the oncoming traffic!) we stayed warm.

What a great evening. <3

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