i have been struggling with some negative thoughts, specifically regarding myself. i could no longer handle it, i surrendered to the "gods, fairies, angels" and asked for my pain to be lifted. for a hand to offer me help. i got what i asked for. i can not reiterate how much belief i have in these cards. they always show me just what i need to see, tell me what i'm searching for. thank you, for your help. i am infinitely grateful.
*Immediate Past*
MIRACLE HEALING: Expect a miracle. You have prayed for assistance, and it is forthcoming. The more completely you surrender your situation to God, the more rapidly you will realize your healing.
Heaven is completely on your side, and your prayers have been heard and answered. The healed reality is one of several parallel realities currently available to you. You have the choice, through your thoughts, emotions, and intentions, to experience the highest possible reality for yourself.
You access your healed situation through faith and gratitude. To feel these powerful catalyzing emotions, say mentally or aloud to God, "I am tired of thinking about this situation. I don't want to deal with it any longer. Here, I am giving the entire thing to You so that You can think about it and resolve it. Thank You so much for taking care of everything." Then, detach completely from the situation.
AFFIRMATION: In truth, everything and everyone, including myself, is healed right now. I focus on this truth, instead of on illusions of fear.
*Present Situation*
LAUGHTER (blockage): Every cloud not only has a silver lining, but it also has a humorous side. Try to objectively stand back from your situations and find a humorous twist. Laughter will help you see your life from a new perspective so that you can receive creative insights and solutions.
You are much too serious about life, according to the fairies. They aren't asking you to neglect your responsibilities, let go of the sacred reverence for life, or defend your emotions with jokes. Instead, you're asked to see the humor that runs through the thread of life.
Laughter also helps up to stand back and see ourselves and our situations more objectively. When we laugh, we relax. When we relax, creative solutions and renewed energy course through us more easily. So, take time to laugh today.
AFFIRMATION: I find the humor in life, and I laugh easily.
*Future Outcome*
DETOXIFICATION: You are being guided to clean your body, environment, mind and heart of toxins. God and the fairies will help you with this endeavor.
It's time to let go of toxins, within and around you. This card validates your inner guidance that has been telling you to let go of harmful habits. Go outside in nature, and call upon the fairies to surround you. Ask God and the fairies to help you release toxins from your mind, body and heart. Ask them to help you release your cravings for harmful habits.
You'll soon find yourself naturally desiring organic fresh food and produce. You'll be guided away from environmental toxins. And most importantly, your thoughts and emotions will veer away from judgment and fear, and will become love-based instead.
AFFIRMATION: I take excellent care of my body, and I crave only healthful foods and beverages.
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